Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Yeah right CCA

Isn't it amazing how ccas can influence you.

For example. Thanks to my cca I'm in an extremely foul mood this morning.

Screw you.

I literally walked out of the house thinking, 'I hate everyone in life.'

Seriously even if you mean well, don't remind me that I have cca today because I hate my cca.

As usual of course.

So sadly. Thanks adam for ruining my morning with that bloody reminder. Although you probably mean well.

Ughh what the hellllll. I really want to quit.

Although that might just be me being lazy. Nahh surely not because I'm the most un-lazy person ever.

Hardworking* yes. I totally meant to use that.

Such bullshit. Obviously I'm lazy to train. Its not fun at all!

Swimming on the other hand ~ so much more awesome right!

I can hear all the shouts of agreement already. Of course swimming rocks thank you.

LOL. This is getting nowhere. At least the thought of swimming cheered me up!

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