Friday, August 16, 2013

Every end is a new beginning

The title isn't to suggest that I'm going to be deep in my posts and stuff. It's because it's true HAHA. I'm just waiting for Bryan to finish teaching people PACC. Won't take long he says. Right. 

It's so sad. 

ITB project finally ended today. This is by far the most rushed and chionged project ever. We only started seriously doing this project on Monday after that bloody FoM test. 

The start of late night project chiongs this week. 

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurday, I spent the whole day in school with my group mates rushing out the stupid database and for those three nights I stayed in school until all we had was the last train to take. Amazing. 

Last night was even worse. After reaching home at around 1230 to 1 in the morning, we continued staying up all the way to 630am typing the reports and all that. Slept until around 10 then it was off to school to continue rushing out the remaining parts of the project. 

It was so  frustrating but really, it was our fault for not starting on this project earlier. In fact, I'm amazed that we actually managed to hand up everything on time today! 

Anyway, that's the end of ITB. The new beginning? This is where chionging for PACC enters. This is ridiculous. 

And only after the end of PACC exam on Monday will chiong studying for Econs make its entrance. 

One after another. 

Every end brings a new beginning. 


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