Friday, August 09, 2013

Life talks

Met Gen yesterday and had our usual life talks about how we wish the world's different from how it is now. 

It somehow got me thinking the usual stuff about the choices I've made in life. Mainly about the choices I've made regarding my education.
And.. ended up with something like this.  

I had a dream 
a big dream
at an age so young
to decorate the world 
with art pieces of mine 

Teachers encouraged
Society disparaged
Too big a dream it was 
Too far to reach it became 

I had a dream
a little less grand 
to design living spaces
a comfortable atmosphere for all

Parents approved
Society refused
Impossible, they said
for a place so buried in books and knowledge

I had a dream
faded and frosted
to mold, to create
a fusion of cloth and personality

Friends cheered on
Society looked beyond
Without even a single glance
at my plans at all 

I have a dream
desperately glowing 
as the society continues blowing
to grasp what used to be
such wonderful dreams of mine. 

Failed attempt at being deep HAHA. Don't laugh. I'll feel sad. 
But oh well. 
And yes Ryan, this was what I was typing haha. Like I said, don't laugh. =) 
There was another one but... I don't think it'll make any sense so I'll leave it like this! 



Anonymous said...

Thats nice!!! :D
But it didnt quite rhyme HAHA!
Good effort though!
Dont be sad... at least you're in a great class! i heard DBA 10 has really wonderful ppl! Not sure if its though since i'm not from your class! But dont give up on your dreams! Make them happen!
Dream BIG, Work HARD!

- Your blog's biggest fan

Gen said...

OMG I LOVE IT BABE! Eh and person up there: you're not her blog's biggest fan, I am! And her poem was GREAT, not just nice. Please. Plus, it totally rhymed.

Anonymous said...

Hey hey hey. This is her biggest fan ok. I'm sure you cant memorize her poems like i can. :P