Sunday, August 18, 2013


Every time I see someone feel depressed or hear people with major insecurity issues, I just can't help but think back. And feel weird that.. I'm happy with the way things are now. 

(Not to mention I hardly have much to complain about concerning such issues these days.) 

Then after that realise how ridiculously optimistic I am believing that everything will turn out fine eventually. But it's a nice thought, isn't it?

I'll just admit, I read Gen's blog moments ago and well... what can I say? She's right, people's words don't usually get through to people who feel that way, especially at the lowest point of that whole insecurity thing. 

Yet, I feel that... maybe sometimes you just have to keep telling and repeating it over and over again to the person so that the message will sink in; you're awesome the way you are. 

It helped me in a way. Because in life, it's depressing when no one ever comments how pretty you look in an outfit or a picture. Yes, I felt that way and occasionally still do when I start thinking about things like this. Well, otherwise it doesn't matter much. 

But yeah, it all starts when you hear all your friends getting comments on how 'cute' or 'pretty' they look and.. that's all you ever hear. 
When you're standing next to them all the time and they're all the opposite party ever notices.
When you're with them and they're the ones that get complimented by others and all you can do is nod in agreement and further boost their ego because you think "It is true" but inside you just get depressed wondering, "Why is it never me?" 
And you can never hate that girl next to you because she's your friend, she didn't do anything wrong. 
The result? The hatred turns inwards at yourself.

I've been there, so I know. I don't know if Gen will stalk this anytime soon but, sometimes, people have to just hear it over and over again before it sinks in. No one understood the Quantum theory the first time they heard it now did they? ( Just choosing a random theory, you get what I mean ) 

I honestly can't bear seeing people with insecurities. It sucks so much to think that you're worthless and all that crap. 

Last year, she told me on my birthday these simple words "Smile, because you can!" and.. how true is that? I lost so much of my smile in school over something I now think of as silly. All that frowns and emoing at a corner because it felt pointless to socialize in class. Why should I? Literally everything I said went unheard. Literally. 

I couldn't have gotten that message at a better time. Besides, a smile feels so much better than a frown. Or a sulk. 

And don't you know? Smiling uses less muscles than frowning/sulking/whatever that's not smiling. So much less tiring. 

A plus point worth considering, don't you think? 

I do. 


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