Wednesday, August 07, 2013


Was actually planning on sleeping like, two hours ago but for some reason, everyone started stalking my blog and like oh my god even I'm laughing at myself! 

So how does karma fit in? Well.. I stalk other blogs so.. yeah end of story. I stalk, you stalk, everyone stalk. =>

Okay that doesn't make sense. Not that much anyway ><. 

It's not complete karma yet because I haven't gotten my sore throat. But maybe karma's planning to leave that till some super important presentation before throwing tonsilitis back at me. That's kinda scary. I should accumulate more good karma HAHA. 

So anyway, I just realised that my blog went from super childish ( yes I admit ) to somehow super emo to even more emo  and then ... back to normal I guess? 

Like oh my god  all the insecurities and inferior complex issues. So ridiculous that I can laugh. At myself. 

Yeah they say laughing at yourself builds... I don't know, character? Builds something. Yeah that's all I know! 

Okay I shouldn't be doing this when it's almost 3 in the morning. 

If only tomorrow no school. 

Goodnights yo! 

And LoL Bitches, you guys suck. In a good way. Somewhat. Depending. On the situation. HAHA. Nah you guys are cool. In a way. Kinda. 

Okay brain fried now people, BYE~ 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwww thats so niceeeeeeeeeeeee :D