Sunday, August 18, 2013

ITB -- It's a long long long post.

ITB project is over and I'm still going to bitch about it. It's a sign. ITB SUCKS. 

Plain, and simple. 

It has definitely brought me alot of first time thingies. But I'll leave that for later. Starting with the bitch part before I actually forget, haha! 

I cannot believe that ITB screwed up my body clock. Or mindset. Whatever. I was actually studying my Accounting up till about midnight ( and while that might actually be normal for some people, it's NOT for me ) and totally not noticing the time because it felt as if ... well, it felt normal. As if it were only 10 plus and not midnight. That's what I get for staying in school till 11 plus doing project for the past few days. THANKS ITB. THANKS ALOT. No wonder I felt as if I shouldn't be doing my Accounting anymore. I mean, besides the fact that I was getting alot of my questions wrong. 

Okay nevermind, it's solely ITB fault. Me getting wrong answers has absolutely nothing to do with that weird feeling. Yes. 

So obviously I've stopped revising. I mean, midnight is not the time people do work. Hello? It's time to slack and relax. 

Unless your project is due in the next few days... 

UGH ITB just ruined me. 

Anyway. Back to the first time thingies! 

It was definitely the first time I stayed so late in school to do homework, or project work specifically. 11plus! Wow. I'm amazed at myself. 

Also, it was definitely the first time I reached home past midnight from school. I blame the distance. And fine, myself for leaving the project till the last minute. 

Speaking of that lousy project, it was the first and hopefully only time I will have to rush a project till the (literally) last moment. Hopefully. 

Not forgetting a super embarrassing moment in school one of the nights we stayed to do that database crap. Not sure if I mentioned it before, but I had to use the toilet and went with Eva and Valerie to this (bad bad bad choice) one closest to the bridge at spectrum. It was so goddamn dark and I'll be honest. I'm a major scaredy-cat. (Or how you spell it). And people like Ryan knows that damn him. Scaring me through text. 

But anyway that's completely out of point. 

What happened was that I got freaked when I saw how dark the area near the toilet was and grabbed on to Eva and Val and suggested getting someone, preferably a guy due to the stereotype that they scare less easy, before coming back. Eva was like " Okay, okay, torchlight! " 

So. We crept towards the door and when we were in front of it, the door freaking opened to show a pitch black inside. 

I can't be sure who was it, but I'm pretty sure it was me. A high pitched shriek sounding exactly like "AHHHHHHHH" and me and Eva just dashed away laughing like crazy. It was so ridiculous! From my angle, it seemed like the door just creaked open by itself but it was really just Val using her foot to push open the door since she too was scared. 

The most embarrassing part was that the people at Spectrum actually heard it loud and clear. Oh gosh. No more face already. 

So yes, first time I .. screamed. In school. Over a toilet. 

Hm other first times.. OH YES. This one must have looked really amusing on the train. It was Thursday night and we were on the last train back so along with Bryan, Adam and Ryan, we flipped open our Laptops and continued with our projects. Like wow. 

I want to sleep so I shall end here. But really, I am still amazed how we managed to hand up everything needed for ITB. In fact, it is so praise worthy. So much so that I think I should praise myself for managing to get the project at least handed up. Although if I actually started earlier this wouldn't have happened and all these amazing times in school would not have been possible. So, see? It turned out fine after all. Ergo, it is still praise worthy. 

Good job to myself! 

And definitely to my group mates and everyone else in class. 

I can't believe I just praised myself. This is all Bryan's fault. Being so thick skinned and all that. 

I'm joking. But really. It's his influence. So it's his fault. 



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