Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve! (It is, right?)

Christmas sure came quick this year!

And this time, my nails are properly decorated with the Christmas stuff hah! On time, too!

Anyway, this morning, I risked being yelled at by my sister and barged into her room at 9am to wake her up. THE SUN WAS SHINING SO BRIGHTLY OH GOSH. PERFECT FOR SWIMMING!

Thankfully, she just covered herself with the blanket again and I backed out of the room before she could scold me. And minutes later, she emerged from the room! Mission accomplished oh yeah!

Watching her struggle to remember how to swim was amusing but I have to remind myself that that's probably how I looked a few months back when i first went swimming with Kezia. Oh the entertainment I must have provided you with, huh?  =)

Right now I'm on the bus to woodlands to accompany her to get some stuffnso I thought might as well blog or something, although my diary is suffering for want of use badly. Did I phrase that right? I have no idea.

Okay I shall continue enjoying my music so ... merry pretty holly everyone! Yes, I'm looking at my oh so pretty self manicured nails. So bimbotic, but whatever.


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