Saturday, December 21, 2013

Week before Christmas

It's been a really busy two weeks! Which is kind of sad because the days just flew by and I can see my much awaited holiday ending. 

Not to mention I've been avoiding checking the Blackboard since hey, who wants to do projects in December

Anyway. On Monday I was supposed to go the the Chalet but well, cramps that was bad enough to warrant a whole day sleep, so I skipped both the squash training and the chalet. 

On Tuesday, I went to the Chalet with Samantha since well it was Zhi Yu's birthday so I might as well. As usual, the day time was a little boring, played cards and all that. Which, hah I can do combos in Daidi ~ 

Sadly, because BBQ-ing isn't my thing, I spent most of the time hiding in the AC room using my phone and giggling at Tumblr posts. No Christopher,  don't be silly, I wasn't sleeping. 

Well Samantha seemed pretty happy munching away at the food that the guys were cooking and was definitely a much bigger help than I was. Since cooking and I don't mix well, I helped in the best way I could, staying out of the way. Which suit me just fine hurhurhur. 

Anyway, later that night, the guys rented a mahjong table and set (Oh yeah now we're talking!) I teamed with Samantha to show her how to play and we played until around midnight. 

It was so hilarious because Christopher was like so damn blur. Anyway, halfway through the game, the door suddenly burst open with a table and a cake on it. Like, oh surprise Zhi Yu Happy Birthday! 

Of course it didn't turn out that way. The ones who got a shock when they came in was Samantha, the guy next to me (sorry, can't remember who, was it Chris?) and me. We were like all wide-eyed and thinking holy crap, did not see that coming but lets bob our heads and clap along like we knew that was going to happen. 

In any case, too lazy to describe anymore. I won a few times in a row that night and had crab when I got home so yeah good day! 

Moving on to Thursday because this is so noteworthy; I wasn't feeling very well so I skipped training and told Adam to drop by after training so try the court shoes. 

Oh yeah he came, with a pretzel and a bottle of honey lemon \(^-^)/. It was so nice of him. Thanks man~ 

And then proceeded to download Amnesia into my computer to scare himself. 

Lastly! Yesterday I finally met up with Gen and we went all the way to some unknown area in East Coast road or something to try Penny University! The food was okay, but the pie! Oh the pie. Was so nice! 

We had a, what was it? Strawberry Lemon meringue or something. Soooooo good! And pretty too. >=) 

After that, we decided to try playing pool without guys for once.

The end result? I mean, besides the fact that we sucked so horribly our first game took slightly longer than half an hour. 

Oh my gosh I love playing pool! It is so addictive and fun! 

We played three games, one of which I lost, but they were all so fun oh my gosh. The amount of beginners luck I had was amazing! 

And the extreme failure at breaking. My white ball literally slid past one side of the triangle and straight into the pocket. Nice

In any case, I totally have to play pool with Gen again. Oh! And thanks so much again for teaching me how to end the knots and stuff for sewing! You're awesome darling.

Okay I have talked way too much. Bye! 

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