Monday, December 02, 2013

Which to choose I wonder


Another headache. 

Which is retarded because it shouldn't be something difficult or stressful. 

I'm supposed to rank the option that I want to do next year, namely Active Aging, Social integration, Environment and Healthcare. 

Honestly, none of them really interests me. At most, the one that seems most interesting and etc to me would be Environment. 

Yeah, I'm a nerd. 

The problem? Oh, nothing new. As usual, it's something no one in class wants to do. 

As usual. 

But seriously, I am not going to do active aging. What can I say? It's not my interest. Which sounds kinda mean. But really. 

And once again, a part of me is refusing to apply for this alone. Which was the same for SFL, and sad to say, my diploma course. 

Well for the last one it wasn't a main factor but definitely a contributing one. 

Also, I know that if some people sees this it'll be bad because... yes. Already received a quarter-lecture from him about things like that. 

So here's to hoping he concentrates on studying for the MSTs  and not see this. A good chance, no?

Is that rain I'm looking at outside the window oh my god I thought it was just cold and windy today not rainy wow. 

Wait, it's just a super light drizzle, doesn't count. 

Anyway... there's no guarantee that I'll be in the same class as my friends. 

But... there'll be a good chance right?

I just asked my sister's boyfriend about his SiP and it sounded quite funny, though not surprising coming from him. Apparently, he chose Social Integration and their project was : 


Bascially, Pokemon Land!

Which is just hilarious because I was not expecting that at all. Well it did make it sound a whole lot more fun than it originally did. 

Okay, shall go back to deciding on my options. 

Pineapple cheesecakes everyone! 

I don't know where that came from. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL i just saw this and i wanted to choose environment too!!! But no one chosed it... and so i put it as 2nd choice instead!