Monday, April 02, 2018


Sleep is for the privileged few who have no more assignments to rush T.T Sadly, I'm not one of them. By my own fault of course, sigh. Wherefore art thou, time management skills?

Shu xin and I went a little crazy doing EL 2111's project today though, which was pretty hilarious xD. We were both so tired but pushing through that we started quoting Shakespeare to each other. Even on the way home in the train, what has EL done to us?

I found my favorite line in Shakespeare, or lines maybe. I swear, the part we chose for analysis is amazing HAHA.

1243: And will you rent our ancient love asunder

To join with men, in scorning your poor friend?

I don't remember the line number of the next one, but here goes:

I am amazed at your words. I scorn you not. It seems that you scorn me.

I don't know if I've remembered them accurately, or if I've spelt them right since this project is messing with my spelling oops.

I guess we've entered the somewhat dark side of historical linguistics huh?

Can you believe it? I chose to study this xD.

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